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Alliteration: Breaking Down One of Our Favorite Speaking Tools

Here at Dog and Pony Show, we proudly label ourselves as grammar and diction nerds. Whether it's playing with puns or rambling in rhymes, our team is always trying to use the English language to our creative and communicative advantage. One of our favorite speaking tools is alliteration; in titles and descriptions alike, this technique catches the ears and attention of audience members like none other. Here are some guidelines to help your team implement this tool throughout your communications:

1. Alliteration, defined

Alliteration is defined as the conspicuous repetition of identical initial consonant sounds in successive or closely associated syllables within a group of words. This tool is humble, but effectively brings your audience's attention back to your key points.

2. Utilizing Alliteration

Avoiding the cheesiness of bold alliteration (like you might find in a song or children's book), conversational alliteration is the most impactful form for presenters to use. To do this, highlight key words in your presentation and get creative with the adjectives around it. Once you've identified your keywords, utilize alliteration to bring your audience member's attention back to those phrases.

Looking for more presentation tips and tricks? Check out the Dog and Pony Show blog post on 3 foolproof ways to open up a presentation!

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