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5 Laws of Effective Presentation

Here at Dog and Pony Show, we have seen quite a few things in the presentation realm. From fails and flops and successes and scores, our presentation mantras have evolved and grown. From our 200+ years of combined experience, we have solidified 5 laws of effective presentation that will guarantee success, again and again.

1. Present relevant content

No matter how fascinating your topic might be, unless it directly applies to your audience, their level of engagement will suffer. From the introduction to the conclusion, relate your content to your audience as often as you can to ensure effective delivery.

2. Share stories

Personifying yourself and your content is a sure-fire way to engage your audience both intellectually and relationally. To invoke your audiences' emotions and relay the significance of your topic, share some personal stories to strengthen your presentation.

3. Include a Call-To-Action

The most impactful presentations leave audience members with a clear goal. This can be achieved through a strong call-to-action; to ensure maximum effectiveness, make your designated point concise and clear.

4. Perfect Practice makes Perfect

Even if you are an experienced presenter, practice running through your slides until you could present them perfectly, in your sleep. There is no way to predict what might come up during a presentation, so ensuring that your speaking points are fail-proof is a way to guarantee an element of success.

5. Enjoy it

You can't expect your audience to enjoy your presentation if you are not. Ensure that your voice, face, and body language convey energy and happiness to your audience, and they are much more likely to engage.

Looking for more information on relevant presentation skills? Check out the Dog and Pony Show blog post on how to open up a presentation flawlessly!

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