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3 Fail-Proof Ways to Open Up a Presentation

Every presenter has heard the quote, “You never get a second chance at a first impression.” In reality, presenters only have about 60 seconds to make an impression on their audience. In these 60 seconds, audience members will decide if the presented information is relevant, interesting, and worth their attention. While this can making presenting seem even more daunting, have no fear; here at Dog and Pony Show, we have perfected the art of presenting. Here are 3 of our top presentation tips to hook audience members immediately.

1. Open with a Question

Even if it’s a simple, “How’s everyone feeling?” questions engage your audience by encouraging them to reflect on themselves. This builds audience engagement, as they see your information as relevant to them by connecting their own experiences to your topic. Additionally, if your presentation allows you to take responses from the audience, this is a great way to build engagement and access your audience’s knowledge of your topic.

2. Start with a Statistic

Nothing builds more logos with an audience than some cold, hard facts. When utilized correctly, statistics can build the importance and impact of your presentation, and encourage audience members to have an open-mind regarding your topic. By starting your presentation with this credible information, you then validate all other statements made in your presentation.

3. Crack a Joke

Scientific American has published research confirming that people associate a good sense of humor with intelligence, attractiveness, and overall good nature. These are all qualities that most of us would like to be attributed with while presenting. Starting a presentation with a joke also loosens up both audience members and presenters, while setting an overall pleasant tone for the presentation.

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