Presenter's Top Two Goals for 2019
As we look back on 2018, we rejoice in our past successes and reflect on areas of growth. To create a 2019 that is as compelling as we dream it to be, our team has thought up two main aspects of presenting to focus on for 2019. Here are Dog and Pony Show's top two goals for our 2019 presentations- to join us, keep reading!
1. Practice, Practice, Practice

2019 is the year we say goodbye to "just winging it" and hello to confidence in preparation. We are not just rehearsing our presentations for the sake of rehearsing, but are mindfully evaluating ourselves with specific criteria: is our verbiage clear? How fast are we speaking? What message is my body language sending? Through practice, our 2019 presentations will become as seamless as they are effective.
2. Utilize a Call-To-Action

We are leaving lackluster conclusions in 2018. This year, we are dedicated to mindfully crafting call-to-actions that inspire, encourage, and direct our audience members. To end our presentations on a strong note, we will be crafting a "so what?" slide that directs our listeners to the next logical step following our pitch.
Looking for more information on relevant presentation skills? Check out the Dog and Pony Show blog post sharing politicians top two presentation strategies!
#2018 #presidentialaddress #politics #sweet #short #motivate #topqualities #qualities #publicspeaking #powerful #present #new #enhance #simplicity #refine #tools #motivational #socialmedia #improve #connection #engage #branding #design #brandstory #effective #newyear #inspire #engaging #blogger #positive #simple #juliantreasure #wix #heckle #relations #captivate #save #captivating #badluck #datavisualization #title #headspace #art #message #failproof #slidedesign #open #improved #notes #preparation #qa #speakingnotes #visualization #blog #develop #working #teachers #remote #career #slide #presenting #gifs #quotes #tips #hansrosling #TEDtalk #skills #localbusiness #presentationanxiety #tricks #data #audience #political #dogandponyshow #dpshow #storyboard #bodytalk #power #success #communication #technology #springcleaning #presentation #newyears #newyearseve #newyearsresolution #resolution #2019 #2019goals