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Short and Sweet: Our Guide to the Most Effective Presentation Possible

Crowded slides don't make anyone happy. They leave presenters overwhelmed and flustered, and audience members underwhelmed and bored. These unfortunate slides, regardless of how compelling their subject matter is, leave much to be remembered and desired. Presentation simplification is an easy but powerful tool to avoid this unfortunate reality. Here are 2 of Dog and Pony Show's favorite simplification tools:

1. Choose Impactful Lingo

When it comes to presentation verbiage, quality is valued over quantity. The more information your audience is presented with, the less impactful your statements become. To condense your writing as much as possible, go through each of your slides and limit your bullet points to 2-3 words each.

2. Add Slides, Not Words

When adding more information, the addition of slides rather than bullet points will maximize the engagement between your presentation and your audience. Try to limit one point per slide in order to give your audience the time and space needed to actively interact with your words. While this might add to your presentation's length, it deeply enhances the audience's information retention.

Looking for more information on relevant presentation skills? Check out the Dog and Pony Show blog post detailing how to cultivate a positive and productive work environment!

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