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How to Reformat Your Presentations

Every once in a while, a company or cause will craft a stellar presentation. A beautiful marriage is struck between visual communication and presentation style, and the crowd goes wild. As spectacular as these moments of gold are, they do not have to be fleeting. Presentations can easily be reformatted and represented to fit different events and audiences. Here are 3 of Dog and Pony Show's favorite ways to reformat any presentation!

1. Perform a Secondary Audience Analysis

To present a topic successfully, one must cater to the needs and interests of their audience. If there is a particular aspect of your presentation that would relate to your new viewership, revamp your slides to highlight that specific subtopic.

2. Focus on Your Focus

When reformatting a presentation, it is essential to touch base on the core principle of your talk. This will confirm that your topic is relevant to your new audience, and that the presentation is true to your desired goal.

3. Reevaluate Your Call-To-Action

Call-to-actions are specific to both the cause and the audience. In order to give your audience an effective next-step, reevaluate your audience and goal to craft a fresh conclusion to your topic.

Looking for more presentation tips and tricks? Check out our Dog & Pony Show article on how to liven up your PowerPoint presentations!

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