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Guaranteed Ways to Engage Your Audience

No matter how passionately we might feel about our presentation topic, a lack of audience engagement can leave our message high and dry. Luckily, there is a simple solution to this dilemma. From product pitches to educational talks, here are 3 of Dog and Pony Show's favorite activities to engage any audience.

1. Role-Play

When talking an audience through a procedure or plan, role-play can be an interactive and engaging tool. Whether observing their peers or engaging in a role themselves, this tool allows audience members to better.

2. Quizzes (with incentives)

If your presentation involves important statistics or facts, holding mini-quizzes throughout your speech could be a great tool. Encourage the audience's competitive energy by offering incentives (such as company swag, gift cards, etc.) as prizes for participants with the quickest correct answer.

3. Discussion Groups

Giving your audience the chance to discuss your content in small groups is a sure-fire way to encourage listener engagement. Small groups allow participants to share ideas and explore concepts that sparked their interest, thus taking your message beyond the presentation and into their worlds.

Looking for more information on relevant presentation skills? Check out the Dog and Pony Show blog post on how to spring clean your presentation tool kit!

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