3 Easy Ways to Enhance Your Presentation Slides
Here at Dog and Pony Show, we are constantly inspired by the clients we create presentations for. From small businesses to booming tech companies, we live to craft these slides. As presentations are designed to be visual, engaging, and captivating, we've learned a few tips and tricks to enhance audience outreach. While there are thousands of presentation mediums and platforms, here are 3 simple tricks to brighten any slide.
1. Focus on Fonts
Dog and Pony Show's presentation pro's are impartial to Helvetica, but finding a font that is both functional and fun is key. Consistency is still key, so ensuring that your chosen font is similar to the aesthetic of your brand or logo is powerful as well.
2. Use Media Wisely
There is no doubt that GIF's, images, videos, and other forms of media are fantastic tools to captivate an audience. However, media overkill can distract and irritate audience members as they try to make sense of your slides. Use this asset sparingly and tastefully.
3. Don't Make Ideas Compete
To ensure that audience members have enough time to absorb your key points, limit one idea to each slide. This allows audience members to reflect upon your slide without feeling a time crunch to make sense of different concepts.
Looking for more presentation tips and tricks? Check out our Dog & Pony Show article on how to use minimalism in presentation design!
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