Designs to Make Your Content Stand Out
Here at Dog & Pony Show, we are firm believers in power of visuality. At the intersection of captivating and minimalistic, our presentations communicate information powerfully. That being said, here are 3 of our favorite designs that emphasize the content without visual chaos.
1. Diablo Technologies

By supporting the text with a majestic image, this presentation design allows viewers to witness a visual example of flash technology.
2. Juniper Contrail Cloud

By partnering a minimal amount of text with an action-inspiring image, this slide is effective in its aesthetic and communicative properties.
3. Tivo

While this slide has a unique format, it harnesses a strong readability through the minimalist aesthetic.
Looking for more presentation tips and tricks? Check out the Dog and Pony Show blog post on how to prepare a fail-proof Q&A session!
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