Hecklers: How We Handle Them
When we envision a heckler, an angry individual wielding tomatoes is often the image that comes to mind. On the contrary, presentation...

How to Amp Up Your Presentation Storytelling
Information retention is a goal every presenter has for their audiences. From advertisements to TED Talks, speakers are developing their...

5 Public Speaking Habits to Drop Now
With public speaking being one of American's #1 fears (even more than death), it is no surprise that presenters can develop some nervous...

3 Ways to Connect with Any Audience
Despite having the most beautiful slides and relevant information, some presenters succumb to the fatal flaw of not connect with their...

3 Ways to Use Minimalism in Presentations
In a world of abundant advertisements, information, and notifications, minimalism is a highly effective design strategy. Not only will...

3 Sure-Fire Ways to Create an Engaging Presentation Title
Whether your presentation title will be listed in an event program or broadcasted through Twitter, the power this little line has is...

4 Ways to Jazz Up any Presentation
When it comes to crafting an engaging presentation, it takes more than informative slides to wow a crowd. From visual creations to vocal...

Getting into the 'Positive Presentation' Headspace
A presentation is only as strong as its presenter, and performance is all about attitude. While we cannot always control the environment...

5 Laws of Effective Presentation
Here at Dog and Pony Show, we have seen quite a few things in the presentation realm. From fails and flops and successes and scores, our...

TED Talk Analysis: Julian Treasure
Here at Dog and Pony Show, we are continually learning and engaging with the art of presentations. To expand our presentations...