Hecklers: How We Handle Them
When we envision a heckler, an angry individual wielding tomatoes is often the image that comes to mind. On the contrary, presentation...

How to Amp Up Your Presentation Storytelling
Information retention is a goal every presenter has for their audiences. From advertisements to TED Talks, speakers are developing their...

5 Public Speaking Habits to Drop Now
With public speaking being one of American's #1 fears (even more than death), it is no surprise that presenters can develop some nervous...

3 Sure-Fire Ways to Create an Engaging Presentation Title
Whether your presentation title will be listed in an event program or broadcasted through Twitter, the power this little line has is...

4 Ways to Jazz Up any Presentation
When it comes to crafting an engaging presentation, it takes more than informative slides to wow a crowd. From visual creations to vocal...

Belated New Year's Message from our Top Dog
Happy New Year, from Dog and Pony. While most of our posts are helpful, funny, or silly, we wanted to end this year with something a...

Getting into the 'Positive Presentation' Headspace
A presentation is only as strong as its presenter, and performance is all about attitude. While we cannot always control the environment...