5 Laws of Effective Presentation
Here at Dog and Pony Show, we have seen quite a few things in the presentation realm. From fails and flops and successes and scores, our...

Perfecting the Prezi
As the presentation world has expanded and developed, several new presentation tools and platforms have surfaced. A popular medium that...

Channeling Charisma
Anyone can get in front of an audience and share a few bullet points; many politicians, professionals, and other presenters have stood in...

3 Ways to Liven Up Your Powerpoint Presentation
No matter who you are or where you’ve come from, we are all unified by one experience: the basic Powerpoint presentation that seems to...

3 Fail-Proof Ways to Open Up a Presentation
Every presenter has heard the quote, “You never get a second chance at a first impression.” In reality, presenters only have about 60...

Maintaining a Presence While Working Remotely
In this beautiful and unique time in history, working remotely has never been more accessible or common. Thousands of professionals are...

Our Favorite Presentation Quotes (and gifs)
Being inspired is the fuel that Dog and Pony Show, Inc. runs on. From fellow artists, presenters, and professionals, we are continually...